Alabama shakes!!!!:) and Ludovico Einaudi:)!!!!

I was asked in music today what was has favourite song or artist been throught the past few weeks. And so the 1st thing that popped into my head was alabama shakes. I there earthiness and soul. Really emotional stuf there and incredibly moving my favourite songs by them have got to be boys and girls and hold on!! These are two very contrasting songs and thats why i love them so much! 🙂

Now a very different style of music altogether
With the works of Ludovico Einaudi:) his works bring tears to my eyes sometimes. His works are also so fantastic to play on the piano. They almost zap you into this other world were nothing can interfere with you or distract you in anyway its amaaazing! ! His works seem to bring back a mixed array of memories to me and always put a smile on my face or tear as i mentioned earlier.

My most adored pieces by Einaudi must be :
Il gorni
Le onde
The earth prelude
Nuvole bianche
And finally primevera! !
There are sone others but i dont want to be boring you with a whole album tracklist.

Thanks for reading guys will hopefully be posting again tomorrow on cooking again speak sooon! !!!! 🙂 . R.