My basic white bread recipe!!!

Okay there is nothing more rewarding than making bread by hand. Alright so it requires all of that kneading but hey once you get into the swing of it you will never buy a warbutons processed loaf again. Also it requires few little ingredients so here goes: makes 1 – 2 loaves

You will need:
560g strong white bread flour. Plus extra for dusting.
1 x 7g sachet of fast-action dried yeast.
380ml of warm milk
1 squidge of honey
Vegetable oil for oiling
1 egg lightly beaten for glazing!

Two 23 x 12cm loaf tins or one large one will do fine.


Begin by putting the flour,salt and yeast in a large bowl. Make a hole in the centre and pour  in the milk and honey. Mix well together until the mixture forms a rough dough ball then knead this ball for 10 mins by hand on a lightly dusted flour surface. By the way the wetter the dough the lighter the end result. Just keep on kneading and it will become smooth and very elastic to the touch.

If using 2 loaf tins half the mixture and place into the oiled tins. Cover with more clingfilm and leave to double in size about 30mins at the least!!:)

Once risen carefully slash the tops with a sharp knife and preheat the oven to 200°C. Gas mark 6. Brush the dough with the beaten egg and bake in the oven for about 30mins  or until the bread is golden and well risen. It should sound hollow when tappd from the base.

Once cooked leave to cool on a wire rack and begin to enjoy with your favourite spreads and condiments. Thanks!!!:D. R.