Quiche Lorraine!!:)

Okay in this quiche lorraine im not using milk and cream as i find sometimes it leaks through the pastry leaving it soggy and quite hard to cut. So i have deprived a method using creme fraiche instead. The creme fraiche adds lets say a more amusing and superior flavour  to the quiche. It also makes it healthier and a little more rich making this fine french classic a must have in your cooking repertoire.  Also you may have seen in other quiche lorraine recipes that a cheese of some sort is required. In France they would never dream of putting cheese into it and also i ruins the texture and disturbs the setting of the quiche.

Equipment :

23cm fluted flan dish about 3.5cm deep.

Ingredients :

1 quantity of my shortcrust pastry recipe or 500g of shop bought shortcrust.

1-2 tbsp olive oil.

1 medium onion, peeled and finely diced.

5 rashers of streaky bacon diced.

430g creme fraiche.

4 eggs, lightly beaten.

freshly ground black pepper.

Method :

Preheat oven to 190c (Gas Mark 5).

Line the flan dish with the pastry and blind bake for 20 mins. remove the baking beans and paper from the pastry and return to the oven for a further 10 mins. Remove from oven and reduce the the temperature to 150c (Gas Mark 2).

For the filling, heat the oil in a frying pan over a low heat and add the onion and fry until soft and translucent in colour. This can take at least 15 mins. Remove the onion from the pan and set aside. Add the bacon to the pan and turn the heat up slightly, now cook the bacon for 5-6 mins.  Remove the bacon from the pan and spread half over the base of the flan dish . 

Whisk the creme fraiche  and the eggs together in a large bowl and season with the pepper. Stir in the onions. You will not require any more salt as the bacon is already very salty. Pour the mixture into the prepared dish all the way up to the top. Sprinkle the remaining bacon on top of the quiche and bake in the oven for 35-40 mins. Or until the filling no longer wobbles.

Best eaten cold with a fresh green leaf salad. Delicious! Thanks. R.

PS. Sorry for the change in font size half way through i clicked the wrong button on the computer 🙂 !