Charles Trenet & Edith Piaf :) !!!

Okay here is another two of my favourite french songs by two of the most influential french singers of the 20th Century Charles Trenet and Edith Piaf. They have both very different styles of songs. Charles is more calm and uplifting but at the same time can pull out of nowhere this fantastic jolly voice. Where as Edith is very soulful and down to earth.

My favourite song by charles has got to be: Douce France, this song really shows off his love of France, Paris especially also his nostalgia for his younger days. Every time i hear this song it automatically cheers me up the moment it comes on the laptop on a playlist. Charles’s most famous period when his songs where at there best and where beginning to become famous even worldwide as he is know, was between 1930 and 1950. Trenet also declined to record any songs that were not his. This made the recording industries at the time pretty anxious as they thought he might not make them any money but he proved them wrong bringing out the two smash hits Douce France and La Mer. Sadly Mr Trenet is no longer with us but i am certain his songs will live on for a very long time in the future.!!:)

Edith Piaf, what is there to say probably one of the most amazing french singers France well ever have. With her soulful character and her life reflected songs. Her most famous songs have got to be La Vie En Rose and Padam… Padam… Two very contrasting songs. The tune is at once romping and eerie, while the lyrics espouse a kind of unpretentious sadness that is so rare.  Her life is still a mystery to be solved. Edith had so many biographys written but each of them tell many different storys. Although we do know that her parents abandoned her at a young age and she went to live with her grandmother for a little while. There is still one extremely famous song i have left out called non, je ne regrette rien. That has got to be one of the most famous french songs that has ever been released. It has been used so many times in advertisements across the globe its become cliche. !!:) But i still love it 😛 Thanks R.