Lieutenant Kije Suite Op.60!:)

Okay so here’s another example of amaaazing music from Prokofiev this time, his Lieutenant Kije Suite. A fascinating insight into Prokofiev’s rather exciting and emotional life as a composer. Lieutenant Kije exists in two versions i containing saxophone and the other baritone voice. The 4th movement Troika has been used so many times in advertisements over the christmas period for its snowy,enchanting and envigorating feel:) !!!

The suite has five movements and each follow and plot the story that the film follows ;

1. Kije’s Birth- A soldier, while writing out the morning orders for the Imperial majesty Tsar Paul, miscopies two words, creating a Lieutenant “Kijé”. The Tsar learns of his “existence”, and issues numerous orders concerning him. The palace administrators have no choice but to carry them out.

2. Romance- the fictional lieutenant falls in love !

3. Kije’s Wedding- Since the Tsar prefers his victorious soldiers to be married, the administrators concoct a fake wedding.

4. Troika- Russian folk dance where the lieutenant dances with two young beautiful women:)!!

5. Kije’s Burial- The administrators finally rid themselves of the non-existent lieutenant by saying he has died.

The film was first premiered in Paris in 1937.

The music always sends shivers down my spine i find it enthrilling to play and listen to and it always seems to make me think of xmas which is now only 100 days away i must start buying the presents :)!!!! Thanks R.!!:)