Ouefs brouillès (french scrambled eggs).

Hello so in many cafès and restaraunts where i live scrambled eggs are incredibly bland and very over cooked until they are almost congealed which i must say is not very pleasant at all. But i have stolen this next recipe from mastering the art of french cooking vol.1 where the eggs are whisked ever so slowly and carefully until a consistency of thin custard is achieved then whisked vigurously on and off the heat until soft curds that just hold on the spoon from fork to mouth :)!!! BLISS:)!

okay so you will require:
measuring jug
Medium saucepan
Wire whisk must be wire for even heat distrubution.

About 25g of butter and a further 25g for the enrichment afterwards:)!!
3 eggs
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Begin by cracking your eggs into the spotlessly clean measuring jug and whisk together for 20 secs to combine the yolks and whites throughly. Then season lighlt with salt and pepper.

Now place one of the 25g butter into the saucepan and off the heat slightly begin to slowly swirl it round the pan. You may be think thats so much butter but trust me in the taste stakes its tremendous :)!!.

Carefully pour the egg mixture into the saucepan and begin to whisk instantly constantly checking for the thickness of a thin custard with a few curds of egg floating around then take on and off the heat and beat vigorously until soft creamy curds are achieved.

Take off the heat and place the other 25g of  butter into the pan and whisk throughly then carefully tip out into a warmed bowl season with salt and pepper!!:) french bliss in a bowl :)!!!! Bon appètite!  thanks R.

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