Music files en route :)…..

Hello everyone again, i’m really so sorry for not sticking to my blog a day routine. I’ve just been so busy with school, violin practice, orchestras, homework etc etc… For the past few days now my computer has been in the repair shop getting a new battery installed since i seemingly broke it by not charging it enough say’s mum. 

So this has been making it hard for me to blog photos and the music recordings i really want to share wit you, as i had to result to my phone to post but now i have been given a temporary laptop to use buts its so  incredibly slow i wouldn’t dream of downloading music onto it, in case it decides to fail half way through. Not worth the risk. Anyway the first recording should be uploaded in the next 4 days hopefully. Sorry for the delay folks.

These past few days the weather in Scotland has been taking a turn for the worse. Some mornings i wake up to find the beautiful sunlight beaming through my window. Or on other days i find myself looking out the window watching the water droplets from the pouring rain drip down the glass pane. This cold, wet, miserable weather still has a good side. It means you can dig out all of those wintry recipes you may have been collecting all of these past few years and start to experiment and best of all start putting ideas together and including some of these in your Christmas dinner.

On the subject of Christmas, it’s now only 85 DAYS AWAY!!:). Now the festive weather has arrived the Christmas shopping must start to begin soon. I have no idea at all what to get my friends and family. I think the best place to start is online maybe John Lewis as a starter, the have a great selection of Xmas presents when the time comes around. Hopefully i will have some idea by the end of this month to begin the shopping in November, but for the time being lets just relax, blog and eat 🙂 !! 

Thanks R. 🙂

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