Steamed asparagus with lemon hollandaise :)!!!

Hello fellow bloggers and readers hope your all well, people reading this are thinking oh gosh, making my own hollandaise phobia is coming out. But honestly once you have the basics you will be able to experiment with all sorts of intesresting ingredients. The perfect asparagus is a super dipping tool for the flavour-packed hollandaise. Just for those pj’s days :)!! Serves 2 people. Ingredients: 1 bunch medium asparagus trimmed. Lemon hollandaise: Juice of 2 lemons 70g unsalted butter 1 egg yolk Sea salt Pinch of pepper Squeeze of extra lemon juice Method. Break off the tough outer layers of the asparagus and peel the lower part of each stalk thinly. To make the lemon hollandaise, boil the lemon juice until reduced by half and then remove from the heat. In a separate pan melt the butter and cool until tepid (barely warm). Put the egg yolk into a bowl and add 1 tbsp water. Set bowl pver a pan of hot water and whisk until thickened. Take off the heat and carefully begin to pour and whisk at the same time the butter in this must (I MEAN MUST) be added at a SLOW STEADY PACE! ! otherwise your sauce will curdle. Once all the butter is incorpoarated throughly it should be thick. Add the seasoning and extra lemon to taste. Steam the asparagus for 3-4 mins until tender. Drain and serve at once to reduce the risk of the sauce or emulsion splitting!!! Enjoy thanks hope it turns out well for you all its really good :)! R.

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