The future of my blog:)!!

Hello everybody im fearing the worst that my blog is not being read. I hope its just my over reacting. Anyway the whole point of this post is to tell you that as of tomorrow my posts will still be on music and cooking but will include more on reviews of concerts and places i have visited for food realted storys.

I hope that this will attract more readers and viewers and that by christmas i will reach my goal of 500 views. At 370 currently. :)!

On the subject of xmas i hope to soon be uploading posts on perfect christmas decorations and cake designing and present ideas. Also a few staples i like to have in huge supply during the festive season, things like jams chutneys etc just wrapped with ribbon round the jar lids and handed out as extras with presents (fantastic)!!

Well thanks again for reading this post everyone hope to hear from you all soon.
R. :)!