Malthouse loaf :)!! mmmm…

hello again everybody, today i went for a violin lesson and found that in the house there was no bread so i made a quick dash to the shop to find they had no bread either, So the only alternative was homemade. This recipe sprung to mind and turned out rather well :)! it has a really nutty flavour 🙂

Equipment :

a reasonable sized loaf tin.

Ingredients :

500g malthouse flour.

1 tsp salt.

1 big squidge honey.

7g yeast.

380ml warm water or milk.


Put the flour, salt and yeast into a large mixing bowl.

combine together with a wooden spoon.

add the warm milk or water and honey.

stir together with wooden spoon and turn out onto a well floured surface or place in a food mixer,

knead for 5 mins food mixer or 10 mins by hand until the dough is smooth, satin and elastic.

leave wrapped in a well oiled and floured loaf tin and place in a warm room for 1hr until doubled in size.

unwrapped and place in a preheated oven at Gas 6 for 30-35 mins 🙂

serve warm with whatever you fancy. This bread really complements cheese and is great toasted 🙂 !

Thanks R.:)