Tarte au citron…..

A perfectly set french tarte au citron has got to be one of my favourite desserts. It has such a complex contrast from sharp to sweet. Im sire you will love this as much as i do :)!!…. So lets crack on! Simple:)

23cm tart tin or flan ring.
Cooks blowtorch (optional)
Baking beans

1 quantity of my sweet shortcrust pastry or 500g of shop bought. I wont judge.
Juice of 2 lemons
180g caster sugar
6 free range egg yolks lightly beaten
150ml double cream
Icing sugar to dust.


Roll out the pastry to a thickness of a 1 pound coin. Line the tin with the pastry and leave the excess pastry hanging over the sides, then line with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans. Place in the fridge for 20mins.
Preheat oven to Gas 4 180°C.

Bake the tart for 12-15 mins. Remove the paper and beans and bake for a further 5 mins. Allow to cool and then trim the pastry level with the top of the tin. Turn oven down to lowest setting.

Make the filling now by adding the lemon juice,caster sugar, egg yolks and double cream plus 110ml of water into a bowl and whisk with a fork to combine.

Place the tart tin on the middle shelf of the oven and take care to pour in the filling. Bake for 35mins and turn out the oven leaving the tart inside to cool completely.

Chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours to set. Dust with icing sugar and if using blowtorch caramelise the surface with the torch. Serve at once!

Thanks and hope you enjoy:)!! R.

My musical life :)!!

Okay i haven’t really told you much about my musical life. I am a grade 8 violinist and grade 7 pianist and have been playing both for 6 years i am a member of 6 orchestras 2 symphony, 2 chamber and an ensemble :)!. I have also been studying piano, theory and conducting at the royal conservatoire of scotland.

Well thats a mouthful but anyway my point is that i really want to start sharing recording s of myself and playing with my orchestras either solos or leading etc… But my computer has been sent away to get repaired at the moment so i am unable to get those recordings to you unfortunatly. But as soon as i can the sounds will be filling your ears and sending thoughts to your brains.

I really encourage you to post, reblog, share the music on it would mean a lot to me thanks.
I’m looking forward to sending them to you :)!!.
Thanks R.