My musical life :)!!

Okay i haven’t really told you much about my musical life. I am a grade 8 violinist and grade 7 pianist and have been playing both for 6 years i am a member of 6 orchestras 2 symphony, 2 chamber and an ensemble :)!. I have also been studying piano, theory and conducting at the royal conservatoire of scotland.

Well thats a mouthful but anyway my point is that i really want to start sharing recording s of myself and playing with my orchestras either solos or leading etc… But my computer has been sent away to get repaired at the moment so i am unable to get those recordings to you unfortunatly. But as soon as i can the sounds will be filling your ears and sending thoughts to your brains.

I really encourage you to post, reblog, share the music on it would mean a lot to me thanks.
I’m looking forward to sending them to you :)!!.
Thanks R.

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